Love Finds A Way

Dearest reader, my name is Addie and I will be taking you through a relationship journey. You will learn how love finds a way in the strongest to weakest relationships. Parts of this blog will help you define your relationship with your spouse, friends, co-workers, family and more.

Feel free to continue reading to learn more about my personal knowledge and experience with relationships or fast forward to the next blog post to get started.

*First off I wanted to note that ALL HUMANS ARE INHERENTLY FLAWED. Yes, even those of you who feel your are perfect in every way possible, you might as well throw that thought in the trash can or in a fiery volcano. Because you, my friend, have flaws like everyone else. However, just because something may seem like a flaw to one person, does not mean it is a flaw for everyone.

Let’s talk about some of my flaws.


Watching Disney movies as a young girl created a perception that the goal in life was to meet that ‘perfect’ someone. He was going to be my end all - be all. I was going to dedicate my entire life to someone else and live happily ever after. NO ARGUING, COMPLICATED LIFE CHANGES OR PATIENCE NEEDS TO OCCURE. THE END.

Did you like that story? Exciting, realistic and perfect, right? NOT.

As I got older I was wondering why the heck am I not satisfied with any of the boys I have been dating. I felt I had pretty good taste! Don’t we all just think that we are young and nieve?

No one told me what happens after the marriage part of the story. They live happily ever after? What the heck does that even mean???

Finally after years of living in this unrealistic view of my spouse relationships I finally came to these conclusions. 1. I won’t be madly in love with you every day. 2. Romance might be totally different than what I have seen in the movies. 3. You are not perfect in all the right ways, you are just perfect in all the right AND wrong ways.

Reality didn’t hit quick enough to be honest, I wish I knew these things earlier but maybe I would have only had one relationship forever and life would have been way more boring.


I grew up as an only child, nice, polite and quiet. For the most part, I never had an issue with anyone, and they didn’t have any issues with me either. So I thought. Talking to people was easy, I can just smile, get my work done, and never have any confrontation.

Those of you who have worked in a competitive field you may chuckle at this thought process or completely relate. But even in the competitive field I thought everyone is just so nice! We are all friends here.

And then…

The one girl who I thought was my friend in Journalism stole and pitched my idea to class. A co-worker who felt I took part of her job on purpose shoulder checked me like we were going to fight in the back alley of our business building. People would attempt throwing me under the buss, which never worked in their favor because I didn’t do anything wrong and if I did I owned up for it. People made fun of me because I was so nice they thought I would cry if they ever said anything wrong. And to tell you the truth, at the time, it was pretty likely that I would cry if anyone gave me criticism. Constructive and personal criticism.

I just couldn’t believe that people could be ‘mean’ or not like me. I lived in this disbelief for a long time and eventually started to accept that these people where going to be in my life, no matter where I work or go. I knew I had to find out how to get my job done right and work with difficult people. Which leads to one of my blog articles: The game.

The game is how I made it to the ‘top’, how I got into management and ownership and how I achieved our societies idea of what success really means.


If you ever feel the urge to call all your friends and family and talk to them about your problems, you may want to re-think what this will do to your relationships.

I have seen it emotionally drain my loved ones. And it was not until I lost a few friendships that I realized my family and friends are not suppose to be tired of me venting about my life, they are suppose to be around for company, pleasure, and for some support.

If you really think about it family and friends who grew up around you can also be the ones who caused your trauma or baggage in the first place. So maybe going to them about your problems is not the best idea, unless you want your baggage to continue.

If you are interested in being independent and successfully relying on yourself and professionals, my new blog post Within Yourself will be releasing soon. Take a read because it may be exactly what you need to hear.

I am confident that I have more than three flaws, but these give you an idea of the mindset I came from before starting this blog. My Journey of relationships has come a long way from emotion mind thinking to wise mind. And if you are searching to better your relationships, you are at the right place.

Everything’s Fine


One Burger At A Time.


Better Off Alone or Choose The Guy with the Fish.